Inbound Marketing: Lead & Demand Generation

Inbound Marketing: Lead & Demand Generation

Inbound Marketing

Get More Leads. Grow Sales. Save Time.

Attracting prospective customers and nurturing them into sales takes effort. It also takes great understanding. Our team of inbound marketing, creative, and technology professionals are just what you need to manage these important challenges.

To begin, we learn about you and your customers. That information is used to develop a plan and share your story through engaging content, interactive assets and digital media.


Everything we do stems from data and experience—so our learning curve stays shallow, and our clients achieve ROI faster. This is partly due to the way we use marketing technology to deliver content and provide useful analytics. Our tactics are steeped in process and ROI-focused to deliver measurable value.

Data Matters To 80%+ Of Businesses


The Inbound Marketing Sales Funnel

Inbound Marketing Sales Funnel

Step 1: Create Awareness

By telling your company’s unique story, we successfully drive quality traffic to your site, creating valuable awareness of the products/services you have to offer. We achieve this through the extensive use of social media, press releases, blog posts, and, of course, search-engine optimized content on your website.

Step 2: Acquire Leads

We fill the sales funnel by capturing leads through custom landing pages and lead capture forms. We’ll offer content like free reports, e-books, and teaser videos, all designed to get users to exchange their contact information.

Step 3: Engage & Nurture Leads to Create Prospects

Just as a farmer cultivates their crops, leads must be nurtured in preparation for harvesting. In the digital world, this means staying in contact using email, and providing leads with information in the form of longer video case studies, infographics, and more. The intent of this stage is to convert leads into prospects by answering their questions and eliminating reasons to say “no.”

Step 4: Convert Prospects into Customers

The final step is converting prospects into customers. Here we use tactics such as free trials, free consultations, and appointments to give your sales team the opportunity to close more leads than ever before.

A Step Further: Customer Lifecycle Marketing

The number one reason customers give when asked why they no longer do business with a company is indifference. It’s vital to let customers know you care and to stay on their minds through consistent communication. It’s much cheaper to sell to an existing customer than it is to acquire a new one. Our process uncovers the best tactics to obtain the best customers—and, equally important, teaches you how to keep them happy, so they either re-sign contracts or purchase for years to come.

We like to call our approach customer lifecycle management. Simply put, we examine the entire customer journey, or path they take to become a customer, and all the interactions, or touch points, leading up to that goal. Then we examine what keeps them coming back.

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